Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Get Professional Help

Expect the unexpected. Kids are individuals, and when they get sick, it seems they have not read webmd to see how their illness is supposed to present. Additionally, they somehow manage to develop symptoms at night or on the weekend when you can't get ahold of the doctor. 

That sends me and tons of other parents scrambling around the Internet looking for help.

Of course, if there is danger to life, limb, or sight, you should immediately call 911 or your local emergency number.

It's those other situations that are tricky. Thankfully, most hospitals offer a nurse line that can help you assess how serious the illness is and what to do. 

So, please, if you are looking at your kid and thinking, "hmmm, he doesn't look so good but I don't know if he is sick enough for the ER," look up the nurse line for your hospital ( or call their info number to get connected) and get professional advice. Make sure you have as much info to give them as you can-- child's temp, onset of symptoms, and any meds your child has taken, for example.

Utilize the training of these medical personnel and don't get medical advice from blogs like this or other websites that cannot address your situation.

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