Saturday, August 10, 2013

Mr. Rogers-- an oldie but goodie

My two older kids are nine and six years old, and although we don't watch a lot of TV, they did spend their earliest years watching shows like Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Yo Gabba Gabba. 

Recently we moved and decided not to get satellite TV. Instead, we get Netflix and Amazon streaming video and we have an RCA antenna. We spend a lot less time channel surfing when we only get around ten channels! 

I rediscovered Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood, which I had not watched since I was small and Mr. Rogers was still alive. What has struck me is the slow pace of the program. The host is anything but rushed! It feels very safe to be in a quiet and slow-paced neighborhood after all the noisy and incessant programming that seem to be on most of the kid stations!

This show might be a good way to introduce new situations to kids, especially our autistic kids who can be apprehensive about changes. Some of the show segments, such as when Mr. Rogers goes to eat at a restaurant, remind me of the social stories we sometimes use to prepare the kids for something new.

I hope to hear from others who may have watched Mr. Rogers with their kids. 

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